Autopsy procedure includes thorough external examination as well as internal examination including opening of all the body cavities for proper visualization of all the visceral organs. As such there remains incision marks with stitches which harts the sentiment of the already traumatized relatives of the deceased. Moreover, it looks odd especially in cases of otherwise healthy dead bodies.
So, autopsy incisions should be such that, we can get maximum possible visualization of the body particularly the thorax and abdomen and at the same time the incision as well as the stitch marks are also hidden.
This new incision technique is designed with few modifications in the autopsy incisions for opening the thorax and abdomen and also proper visualization of the neck structures during autopsy where the incisions and the stitches are kept hidden. In all the other incisions, the back of the neck, thorax and abdomen is not at all visualised. So, this incision is designed in such a way that, the whole circumference of the body can be visualised.
So, autopsy incisions should be such that, we can get maximum possible visualization of the body particularly the thorax and abdomen and at the same time the incision as well as the stitch marks are also hidden.
This new incision technique is designed with few modifications in the autopsy incisions for opening the thorax and abdomen and also proper visualization of the neck structures during autopsy where the incisions and the stitches are kept hidden. In all the other incisions, the back of the neck, thorax and abdomen is not at all visualised. So, this incision is designed in such a way that, the whole circumference of the body can be visualised.
Advantages of this incision technique are-
- whole of the circumference of the neck, thorax and abdomen is visualised, so, better detection of the wounds particularly in cases of death related to torture, road traffic accidents and any other cases, where there is history of injury just before death of the person.
- no or minimal seepage from the cavities.
- stitches can be kept hidden in the front of the neck, so, better acceptance for the relatives of the deceased.
- no separate incision is required for opening the spinal canal from the back.
- the only disadvantage that I encountered is that, it is more time consuming in comparison to the “I shaped incision”. It takes 25min more time in comparison to the I shaped incision.
Few photographs of the incision: ( for medical professionls only )
( please do not copy )

in a country where a forensic expert with limited resources,redtapism,burecracy,political interference and ignorance regarding the very existence of the subject,,,procedure of legal formalities,,and lasttly increased no of cases in a single day day 1)HOW CAN U GO FOR THIS TYPE OF INCISION????? and 2)the damages concerning the whole body concerned,,,i mean the appearance////
dr. a.j. patowary said...
Thanks for your comment. But I am sorry to differ with the view you expressed.
First of all, we ourselves are responsible for the poor status of our subject; as we are satisfied with what we have with us today, without trying to do something new. So, it is one step forward in this regard from my side. Hope I will get cooperation from all of you.
Next, it takes only 1/2 hour more for performing autopsy if you use this incision in comparison to the "I" shaped incision, and more over, I suggested this incision for the cases, where, there is history of injury just before death, the custodial death cases, some burn cases, etc. not on a regular basis.
Regarding your second comment, I suggested this incision to make the body more acceptable for the relatives, after autopsy, not to mutilate the body.
u sould blackened the face of the photographs that u have used in the site............u know otherwise the legalhassesls
i agree with sanjay;s......comments on the subject concerned. yes..everynew thing is a good stuff..atleast some one has to u know do..something.
in our country where lots of cases of post mortom have to be done in such short period of time,This method is of no practical use as it will consume huge time.
The other three methods are much superior
in our country where lots of cases of post mortom have to be done in such short period of time,This method is of no practical use as it will consume huge time.
The other three methods are much superior
I have seen once the incission being used by the author. Its really very helpful for some cases. The only disadvantage is longer time consumption, which is well acceptable as this incission is not intended for regular use.
Regarding the look, after stitching, this incission has a much higher cosmetic value than the other three.
I had the privilege to see the demonstration of the Fourth incision by Dr.A.J. Patowary himself, during my training days. Though it appeared bit unconventional while reading the literature but my opinion changed, once I saw this practical demonstration. I found it important in aspects of examining the injuries on the back and also for its cosmetic aspect, as the incision on the front of the body is minimal and thus to some extent will cause less agony to the bereaved families. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Prof Patowary for this new development in this field.
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